Injection Grouting
Bedrock grouting technology / General injection method
Through a small borehole, usually about 4 to 12 cm in diameter and tens to hundreds of meters deep, experienced JAFEC technicians inject specialty grouts under highly controlled methods to seal and improve the strength of the bedrock and to control the flow of underground water. Together with our parent company, Nippon Grout Industry Co. Ltd., founded in 1953, Japan Foundation Engineering Co. Ltd. (JAFEC) has for nearly 60 years undertaken foundation works for large-scale dam building projects such as those mentioned below. With one of the best records in Japan, we have built up a wealth of technologies and expertise.
Regular Mixture Injection System
This is a method that successively kneads and injects mixed cement grout that complies with the permeability of the ground by continuously diluting the solution (1:0.75) with the cement grout concentration adjustment function. Compared with general injection methods, due to the concentration adjustment function, it is possible to carefully monitor and inject grout to comply with the design criteria of each injection hole on a real-time basis. In addition, it can be expected that the rate of grout injection can also be increased within shorter time constraints. Furthermore, effective utilization of cement grout is achieved using the re-mixing function, and thus, waste products are considerably reduced.

Dam grouting works require specialized expertise developed over long years of experience. We efficiently process a variety of data that is generated during the grouting work. We strongly promote the collection, organization, analysis, and statistical processing of data using computers in order to aid in construction management. With these practices, it has become possible to respond accurately and in a very timely manner to the requests of our clients. As a result, we have been evaluated very highly by many invested parties including the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries.